Thursday, December 31, 2009

Henderson Beach, Destin, FL.

Christmas, Day, 2009.
Henderson Beach, Christmas Day, 2009

Following pics w/o captions taken on a bike ride on one of the keys (Casey) just off Osprey, on the Gulf Coast. Some beautiful private residences, with intriguing landscaping.
Couple of guys driving a BMW convert. stopped and asked me if I wanted to buy one of the places. Said it was really a buyers market. I could buy the place I was in front of for $300,000 !! Then they clarified - that is $300,000 per foot of frontage !!

Bridge over river (obviously not a tunnel under the river !!)

Hillsborough River

Bike trail - about 1 mile long.

Percy: this is boring. Lets go real fast...

Biking in Hillsborough River SP.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Road into Oscar Scherer SP.

Road into Oscar Scherer

Let us out !!!

Camping is such hard work !!!
Oscar Scherer SP

Who says my "rig" is Mickey Mouse??
This guy pulled in with a 5th wheel a few days ago, at Oscar Scherer SP, on the Gulf between Venice and Sarasota. Biggest tow vehicle we have seen yet....
Oscar Scherer made his fortune inventing and marketing leather dyes for shoes. His family donated land for the park. Beautiful park

Key West Street Scene

For the fishermen...

For Hanna and Jasmine...

For Adrien.....

Key West outdoor art display...

A fantasy common to many younger men.....

A fantasy held by many older men...

Key West Art Gallery

Beach at Bahia Honda State Park, the Florida Keys

Near Bahia Honda State Park

Atlantic Ocean, Bahia Honda SP, Florida Keys

Breakfast service seems awfully slow this morning, Phoebe.......

Curry Hammock SP, the Keys, on the Atlantic.
Thunderstorm started at 1:30 a.m. at this site, went non-stop for 2 hours, and dumped 6" of rain with 90 kmh wind gusts.
Percy and Marg kept a low profile under their sleeping bag, but Phoebe was terrified and I spent a couple of hours pacing in the trailer, with her in my arms. She was shaking most of the time, just like me !!!
Sunset at Long Key State Park.